Begin Your Natural Fertility Journey Here

Find peace and hormonal balance with our fertility specialised Acupuncture treatments, designed to boost your natural fertility and overall well-being.

Why Choose Our Fertility Acupuncture Clinic? 

Deanna Thomas, BSc (Hons), Lic.Ac, MBAcC, DipObsGyn – Our Dedicated Fertility Acupuncturist

At our award-winning clinic, we're proud to be led by Deanna Thomas, a distinguished practitioner with over five years of clinical experience in treating infertility with acupuncture. 

Her extensive education, rooted in London South Bank University and the Northern College of Acupuncture, forms the foundation of her expert care. Deanna's expertise is further enhanced by her Postgraduate Diploma in Fertility, Gynaecology, and Obstetrics from the College of Integrated Chinese Medicine.

Specialising in fertility and women's health, Deanna offers a unique and effective approach, combining traditional techniques with the latest advancements in the field. Her membership with the British Acupuncture Council, FHT, and the Acupuncture Fertility Network is a testament to her deep commitment to addressing various fertility challenges.

With a hands-on approach and a compassionate understanding of fertility's complexities, Deanna's expertise has been a cornerstone in helping countless individuals and couples navigate their journey to parenthood.

Enhance Your Natural Fertility with Fertility Acupuncture 

Are you struggling with fertility issues and seeking a natural, holistic approach to support your journey? Look no further than Deanna Thomas Acupuncture and Wellbeing, where we specialise in fertility acupuncture near you. 

Acupuncture is known to improve fertility by harmonising the body's natural functions. Our fertility acupuncturist Deanna Thomas combine’s the ancient wisdom of traditional Chinese medicine with modern scientific research to help support natural conception so that you can achieve your dream of parenthood. 

What is Fertility Acupuncture?

Fertility acupuncture, a centuries-old tradition, enhances reproductive health by inserting fine needles into specific points to balance energy flow. It addresses not only physical health but also emotional and mental well-being. 

Why Consider Fertility Acupuncture?

Many turn to acupuncture as a natural way to enhance fertility. It's known for reducing stress, improving blood flow to reproductive organs, and balancing hormones - all crucial factors in fertility. Whether you're just starting to explore fertility options, undergoing treatments like IVF, or looking for holistic support, fertility acupuncture can be a valuable part of your journey.

Harnessing the Power of Acupuncture to Improve Blood Flow for Fertility

At our acupuncture clinic, we understand the intricate connection between the body’s energy flow and reproductive function. Through the precise placement of acupuncture needles at specific points, we stimulate blood flow and regulate fertility hormones, creating an optimal environment for conception.

Our fertility acupuncture treatment is designed as a complementary therapy to treat infertility problems such as:
  • Improve ovarian function and egg quality, helping couples use acupuncture to improve fertility and increase In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) success rates
  • Serve as a form of fertility medicine, particularly in improving sperm quality and quantity, addressing male fertility issues beyond the limitations of IVF/ICSI
  • Regulate menstrual cycles and hormonal imbalances, enhancing menstrual cycle regularity and achieving healthier periods through improved blood flow and hormone regulation
  • Increase blood flow to the reproductive organs
  • Reduce stress and promote relaxation
  • Support embryo implantation and early pregnancy
While the focus is often on the female partner, male factor infertility plays a significant role in many cases. As a fertility-specialised acupuncture clinic, we have the expertise and facilities to treat both partners, enhancing your chances of success on this journey. By treating both partners simultaneously, we can create a synergistic effect, increasing the chances of successful conception and a healthy pregnancy.

What Are The Benefits Of Having Acupuncture For Fertility?

Acupuncture, a key component of traditional Chinese medicine, is increasingly recognised for its potential benefits in supporting fertility. Here are some of the key benefits:
  1. Fertility acupuncture offers several potential benefits that can improve your chances of conceiving, including as a non-pharmacological method in fertility treatment to enhance the timing and effectiveness of procedures like IVF.
  2. Regulates menstrual cycles and hormonal imbalances by stimulating the release of reproductive hormones like follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH).
  3. Increases blood flow to the reproductive organs, providing more nutrients to the ovaries and uterus to create an optimal environment for fertilisation and implantation.
  4. Reduces stress and promotes relaxation, which can improve ovulation and sperm production.
  5. May improve sperm quality, motility, and morphology in men, addressing male factor infertility by positively influencing sperm parameters and assisting with increased IVF fertilisation rates.
  6. Helps regulate conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and endometriosis that contribute to infertility.
  7. Enhances the effectiveness of fertility treatments like in vitro fertilization (IVF) by increasing implantation rates, with acupuncture beginning two to three months before medical infertility treatments to improve outcomes.
  8. Some studies suggest that acupuncture might help reduce the risk of miscarriage when used alongside conventional medical treatments.

Fertility Acupuncture with Deanna Thomas - Nurturing Your Path to Parenthood at Our Acupuncture Clinic in Middlesbrough

When you visit Deanna Thomas for fertility support, expect a warm and understanding environment. I am here to guide and support you with treatments that are tailored to your individual needs, helping you on your journey to parenthood. Regular sessions with me can help your body prepare for conception, and we'll be with you every step of the way, offering comfort and care as you move closer to your dream of starting a family.

"Deanna Thomas Acupuncture & Wellbeing - Acklam's Home for Fertility and Traditional Chinese Medicine"

our clinic is situated at the house in acklam

Nestled in the heart of Acklam Shops in Middlesbrough, our acupuncture clinic is uniquely situated in a building that once served as a general practitioner's surgery. This space, rich in its history of healing and care, has been lovingly transformed into a health hub for our clients.  

Free parking is available at Acklam Shops or on the surrounding back streets to the shopping parade.
"Comfortable waiting area at Deanna Thomas Acupuncture & Wellbeing, Acklam - consultations available for acupuncture and linked fertility treatments"

A Warm Welcome Awaits You

From the moment you arrive for your appointment, our waiting area is designed to be a welcoming waiting area where relaxation begins. We believe the journey to wellness starts as soon as you walk through our doors. Your appointment is time for you.

"Warm and welcoming clinic room at Deanna Thomas Acupuncture & Wellbeing, Acklam - Relax during your acupuncture and fertility treatments"

A Safe Space for Healing

In our sessions, you'll find a safe, nurturing environment. I understand the sensitivities and emotions around fertility.  Here, you can relax, let go of stress, and find a supportive space to focus on your wellbeing. Every session is tailored to your unique needs, ensuring a personal and caring experience.
"Collette's glowing review of her amazing experience with Deanna Thomas for fertility acupuncture"
"Close-up of ultra-thin acupuncture needles, thinner than a strand of hair, at Deanna Thomas Acupuncture & Wellbeing"
"Deanna Thomas encouraging taking the first step in fertility acupuncture - 'If you don't take the step, you will never know'"
"Client testimonial from Amy on Deanna Thomas Acupuncture & Wellbeing - Fertility acupuncture for couples pre-IVF, a game-changer"

A Comprehensive Approach to Fertility Care, How Acupuncture Can Improve Fertility?

We believe in a holistic approach that addresses the root causes of infertility, whether it’s male factor, female factor, or a combination of both. Our licensed and experienced Fertility Acupuncturist Deanna Thomas works closely with you to develop a personalised treatment plan that may include:

  • Acupuncture treatments tailored to your specific fertility issues

  • Dietary and lifestyle recommendations

  • Herbal supplements and nutritional/ diet advice

  • Emotional and stress management techniques

Specialising in treating infertility, our clinic leverages the profound knowledge of Traditional Chinese Medicine and acupuncture, focusing on both male and female fertility factors to enhance reproductive health and support IVF treatments.

For optimal results, we recommend starting acupuncture treatment at least three months before any planned fertility procedures, as sperm and egg development takes around 90 days. 

A typical course involves weekly sessions building up to more frequent treatments closer to ovulation or embryo transfer.

An initial fertility consultation at Deanna Thomas Acupuncture and Wellbeing starts from £70, during which Deanna will develop a personalised treatment plan tailored to your specific fertility needs and goals.

 Consistent treatment over several months allows the therapeutic benefits of acupuncture to accumulate in your system for the best possible outcome.

Real Journeys, Real Joy, Acupuncture Fertility Patient Success Stories

As an experienced and qualified fertility acupuncturist I've witnessed first-hand the transformative power of acupuncture in helping couples overcome fertility challenges. Our patients' success stories are a testament to the efficacy of this ancient practice in improving fertility and achieving the dream of parenthood.

Acupuncture is also gaining popularity among celebrities for its benefits in fertility and pregnancy. Stars like Celine Dion, Natalie Portman, and Mariah Carey have used acupuncture to assist in conceiving and maintaining health during pregnancy. These examples highlight acupuncture's role in supporting fertility and overall health during pregnancy.

For couples undergoing  IVF, acupuncture can be a powerful complementary therapy.

 Jenna and her husband had experienced multiple failed IVF cycles before seeking our help. By incorporating acupuncture treatments before and after embryo transfer, we helped improve Jenna's uterine lining and increase her chances of successful implantation. Their perseverance paid off, and they welcomed twins into their family. These are just a few examples of the many success stories we've witnessed at our clinic. Whether you're trying to conceive naturally, dealing with fertility issues, or undergoing assisted reproductive technologies, acupuncture can be a valuable addition to your fertility journey.
"Sarah's positive pregnancy test announcement after comprehensive acupuncture at Deanna Thomas Acupuncture & Wellbeing. Addressing three years of unexplained infertility and hormonal imbalances for Sarah, and low sperm count for Mark, their consistent six-month treatment led to natural conception and the birth of their baby girl."

Sarah and Mark's Journey to Parenthood

After struggling with unexplained infertility for over three years, Sarah and Mark came to us feeling discouraged and emotionally drained. Through a comprehensive acupuncture treatment plan, we addressed Sarah's hormonal imbalances and Mark's low sperm count. Within six months of consistent treatments, their fertility levels improved significantly, and they conceived naturally, welcoming their beautiful baby girl into the world.

"Ciara's baby boy, a joyous result of successful fertility acupuncture at Deanna Thomas Acupuncture & Wellbeing for PCOS. Personalised sessions, cycle tracking, and essential vitamins helped overcome seven years of challenges and losses."

Overcoming PCOS with Acupuncture

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a leading cause of fertility problems in women, but acupuncture can help regulate hormonal imbalances and improve ovulation.  After 7 years of trying and facing two losses, Ciara's determination led her to explore how acupuncture could support her fertility. Through personalised sessions, tracking her cycles, and incorporating essential vitamins, we saw transformative changes that not only enhanced her overall well-being but also led to the joy of welcoming a beautiful baby boy.

Enhancing IVF Success: Acupuncture For Assisted Reproduction
Acupuncture is an excellent complementary therapy to conventional fertility treatments such as in vitro fertilisation (IVF) and intrauterine insemination (IUI). Research shows that acupuncture can improve implantation rates and increase the success rates of these procedures by optimising the body's natural fertility processes.

Our fertility acupuncture treatments are thoughtfully tailored to align with your unique IVF cycle, whether you're undergoing a long or short protocol. By enhancing blood flow to crucial reproductive organs and fostering a relaxed state of mind, acupuncture can significantly improve your body's receptivity to treatment and increase your chances of success.

Our experienced acupuncturist Deanna Thomas work closely with you to develop a personalised treatment plan that seamlessly integrates with your IVF protocol. Whether you're undergoing a long or short IVF cycle, we'll be by your side, providing the support and care you need to navigate this journey with confidence.

Enhance Your Natural Fertility with Our Free Guide!

Fill out the form below to download your free copy today and start taking empowered steps towards a healthier, fertile future. Let's embark on this journey together, with every step bringing you closer to your dream of parenthood.