Tired of Constant Headaches and Migraines?

Our specialised NADA ear acupuncture treatments target your pain points to significantly reduce headache frequency and intensity. NADA ear acupuncture, a form of Traditional Chinese Medicine, offers a holistic approach to treating headaches and migraines, emphasising the restoration of balance within the body.

Effective Acupuncture for Headaches & Migraines in Middlesbrough | Serving Northeast England

NADA protocol ear acupuncture treatment - acupuncture near by, professional acupuncture

Headaches and Migraine Prevention, Don't Let Them Rule Your Life

Do you often find yourself debilitated by throbbing head pain, overwhelmed by every flicker of light and every sound? These symptoms aren't just painful; they disrupt your life, making every day unpredictable. Nausea and dizziness might leave you side-lined at a moment's notice, with no warning and no quick fix.

This constant battle not only drains your energy but also instils a fear of the next episode. It's a cycle of dread and discomfort that affects your work, your family life, and your ability to enjoy simple pleasures. Isn't it time you found a solution that truly works?

At our award winning Acupuncture Clinic, we harness the ancient art of NADA Acupuncture to help you achieve that reality. Our specialised treatment plans are designed to reduce headache frequency and intensity, allowing you to reclaim your life.

While conventional treatments may provide relief, they often do not address the underlying causes of headaches in the way that traditional medicine does. Acupuncture, particularly from the traditional Chinese medicine perspective, focuses on the holistic well-being of the individual, offering a complementary alternative to those seeking more than just symptom management.

"You deserve more than quick fixes and the side effects of medication. Experience lasting relief with a natural, effective solution tailored just for you."

Ear acupuncture for migraine relief - acupuncture and headaches, acupuncture for chronic migraines
"Book a free acupuncture discovery call - acupuncture centers, accessible acupuncture"
NADA protocol ear acupuncture treatment - acupuncture near by, professional acupuncture

What is NADA Acupuncture? Understanding the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association Approach

NADA acupuncture treatment is a holistic treatment involving the gentle insertion of fine sterile ear acupuncture needles into specific points on the ear.

 Originating from traditional Chinese medicine, this method has been proven effective in reducing symptoms of various conditions, including chronic headaches and migraines.

  • Stress Reduction: NADA Acupuncture promotes profound relaxation, helping to alleviate the tension and stress that can trigger headaches and exacerbate migraines.
  • Hormonal Balance: By targeting specific acupuncture points, NADA Acupuncture aids in balancing hormone levels, reducing the frequency and severity of hormonally-triggered migraines.
  • Improved Circulation: Enhanced blood flow to the brain and other crucial areas reduces the severity of migraine symptoms and promotes overall neurological health.
  • Natural Pain Relief: Offers a drug-free alternative to pain management, effectively diminishing pain intensity by slowing pain transmission at specific pressure points, reducing the need for medications and their associated side effects.
Through these targeted actions, NADA Acupuncture provides a comprehensive approach to managing and alleviating headaches and migraines, fostering a path to sustained health and well-being.

Achieve the Relief You Deserve, Be Free from Headaches and Migraines Naturally

We know how deeply headaches and migraines can affect your life, turning every day into a battle against pain. You're not just suffering physically; these relentless symptoms can overshadow your joy and disrupt your most cherished activities. We've worked with many people who endure this struggle, and we understand the resilience and courage it requires. That’s why we are here, to help you reclaim a life free from pain.
Together with my partner Anthony, we operate an award-winning acupuncture clinic in Acklam, Middlesbrough, where we’ve refined a variety of effective acupuncture techniques. Our clinic is renowned for its success, as evidenced by countless testimonials from those who have experienced significant relief from their headaches and migraines. 

You can trust that with our extensive training and empathetic approach, you’re in the most capable and caring hands.

We're excited to help you experience this relief, too.

Ready to Begin Your Journey to Pain-Free Living?

Take the first step towards a life without headaches and migraines. Book your consultation today and see how NADA Acupuncture can help you move past pain and into wellness. Here's what you can expect:
  • Enjoy a 20-30 minute acupuncture session that provides quick and effective relief, allowing you more time to enjoy a pain-free life.
  • Relax in a clinical environment designed to reduce stress and enhance your overall well-being with each visit.
  • Receive ear seeds after your treatment to continue experiencing pain relief and healing, even after you leave the clinic.
  • Choose our treatment package, pay for four sessions, and get the fifth free, a cost-effective way to invest in your health and long-term relief.
Start Your Journey to Relief Today
Click the button to book your initial appointment easily online. Then we will invite you to fill out a short consultation form,, to better understand your unique needs and health history. 

Once completed, one of our experienced acupuncturists, Anthony or Deanna, will meet with you to discuss your specific concerns. 

During your consultation, they will explain what you can expect during your acupuncture sessions, how the NADA acupuncture process works, and how it can help alleviate your headaches and migraines. This initial conversation is a great opportunity for you to learn more about the treatment and address any questions you may have, setting the stage for a calm and informed treatment experience.
Feel the Difference with NADA Acupuncture
Your comfort and safety are our top priorities. During your NADA acupuncture session, our skilled acupuncturists gently insert specialised, single-use auricular needles into five specific acupuncture points on your ears. 

Most of our clients report barely feeling the needles as they are inserted. Before beginning the session, we sterilise your ears with an alcohol wipe to minimise any risk of infection. This careful preparation ensures a safe, hygienic, and comfortable experience as you embark on your path to relief from headaches and migraines.
Experience Relief
Once the acupuncture needles have been expertly inserted into the designated points on your ears, we invite you to comfortably recline on our treatment bed for a soothing 20-30 minute session. During this time, you can immerse yourself in the calming sounds of relaxing music, which enhances the therapeutic effects of the acupuncture. 

Our peaceful environment allows you to deeply relax while the NADA acupuncture works to alleviate your headache and migraine symptoms, promoting a sense of well-being and relaxation. This restful period is an essential part of your treatment, helping to maximise the healing benefits of each session.

Real Results You Can Feel

NADA acupuncture has shown promising results in the treatment of both chronic and episodic migraine, offering a new hope for those seeking migraine prevention and migraine prophylaxis. Studies suggest that this form of acupuncture can significantly reduce the frequency and severity of migraine attacks, positioning it as a valuable option for individuals looking for effective preventive treatments.

Our patients report feeling significant relief after their first few sessions, with continued improvements as treatment progresses. Many have decreased their reliance on medication, experiencing fewer side effects and enjoying a better quality of life. Testimonials highlight a noticeable reduction in the frequency and intensity of migraine headaches and attacks, underscoring the potential of NADA acupuncture as a powerful tool in migraine management.

My 15 year old daughter has suffered badly with migraines for 3 years. She's missed so much school. She has had lots of meds through GP and peadriatrian, currently on epilepsy but it didn't work. We started with Deanna Thomas - Acupuncture, Fertility & Wellbeing 5 weeks ago and what a difference she's had! 1 brief migraine after an exam that's all. The day we first took her for acupuncture out of desperation she was on day 9 of migraine and missed school. Amazing results, professional friendly service 

—Tracy Anne

Client testimonial on acupuncture experience - acupuncture middlesbrough, lovely staff and welcoming atmosphere
"I received a very friendly and warm service at the clinic. Upon arrival, I was welcomed by both Anthony and Deanna in the comfortable waiting area. When it was time for my treatment, Anthony escorted me to the treatment room and thoroughly explained the process. The hygiene standards were impeccable; he had me clean the surfaces of my ears with strong antiseptic wipes, which were then safely disposed of. For those concerned about pain, I can assure you that the sensation was nothing more than a tiny sting that lasted less than a second. Once all the needles were expertly inserted, I was able to lie back on the couch and relax in comfort."


"I started my Nada treatment with Anthony 6 weeks ago and it’s been fantastic, I’ve suffered with migraine for over 30 years. The treatment is very relaxing, my migraines have decreased significantly. I would recommend this to anyone. Looking forward to my next sessions. Thank you for helping me."


"Client success story with NADA treatment for migraines - the acupuncture room, significant migraine relief"

Take Control of Your Health Today 

Join the countless individuals who have found relief through NADA acupuncture. 

Our expert team, led by Anthony and Deanna, is dedicated to providing you with a serene and transformative healing experience. 

Don't let pain dictate your life, discover how our targeted treatments can bring you comfort and ease. Schedule your appointment today and step into a world of relaxation and renewed well-being. We look forward to welcoming you to our clinic and guiding you on your journey to health.

 "Discover Ten Great Reasons to Try Acupuncture - accessible acupuncture, educational acupuncture resource"

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